Yoko Hiraoka
Ethnomusicology Lecture/Recital Programs via Zoom

University Level Programs
[Each program can be customized in length and material, to suit the academic needs of the Professor and students]
Biwa Lecture/Recital 1-2 hours
(Each program Includes historical context, with many illustrations and supporting text slides)
"Biwa and the Tale of Heike"
"Japanese Tales of the Supernatural"
"The Tale of Genji"
"Samurai Legends-Warrior Ethics, Romance and Tragedy".
"Women's Stories-Female Virtue in Medeival Japan"
Japanese Traditional Music Lecture/Recital 1-2 hours
(Each program Includes historical context, with many illustrations and supporting text slides)
"The Origins of Traditional Japanese Music- A Musicological overview"
"The Music of Puccini's Madame Butterfly-an Historical Analysis"
Please contact Yoko to talk about programs:
303-725-8683 or email